It is a very old saying that, any thing new we start it must begin with a rich thought or on an auspicious note. So why is it that most of us start our day with a Cup of Coffee or cup of tea ?
Here is a small recipe of a Veg Smoothie , which is a High Fibre Content and will help you tackle with many of current lifestyle health issues.
What happens inside your body early in the morning ?
After a 8 to 10 hours of night sleep, most of the body glands would have relaxed and is in a receptive mode. The circulation of blood to all your organs right from the skin to cellular level is in active mode, and seeks energy from secretive glands. The first food that enters your system is well digested and supplied, as the demand is high from all the receptors for nutrition. Blood being the carrier of these nutrients will supply the required amount of rich content to all the glands and parts of the body, hence resulting in to a healthier and efficient performance.
1. Spinach 10 Leaves : High in Fibre and Multi nutrients
2. Indian Goose Berry : High In Vitamin C and Fibre
3. Ginger : High in Protein, Dietery Fibre, Carbohydrates, Protien, Sodium, Iron & Vitamin C
4, Coriander leaves : Rich in Coriander is a wonderful source of dietary fiber, manganese, iron & magnesium, Vitamin C,Vitamin K & protein. Contains calcium, phosphorous, potassium,thiamin, niacin and carotene.
5. Curry Leaves : Rich in Carbohydrate, Fiber, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Magnesium, Copper. Good for Diabetics as well.
6.Carrot : Contains beta-carotenes, falcarinol, vitamin-A, minerals, & antioxidants in ample amounts.
7. Bottle Gourd: Low in saturated fat, cholesterol, high in dietary fibre, Vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, thiamine, iron, magnesium & manganese.
8. Tomatoes : Contains Calories, Water: 95%, Protein: 0.9 grams, Carbs 3.9 grams, Sugar: 2.6 grams, Fiber: 1.2 grams & Fats.
9. Mint Leaf : Contains Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin C, iron & Vitamin A.
The Recipe for VEG SMOOTHIE

Take 10 leaves of Spinach, Mint Leaves, Curry Leaves, Coriander Leaves, Half Carrot, 1 Tomato, 1 Small Piece of Bottle Gourd, 1 piece Ginger, 1 Indian Goose Berry and Little Salt for Taste. Grind it all with little water in the Mixer Grinder. Make a Smoothie Paste and have it empty stomach every morning and let is settle in your system for 30 minutes before your next meal.
Benefits you will see in just 15 days..
Balanced Weight
Rich Skin Glow
Controlled Sugar Levels
Controlled Blood Pressure
Better Digestion
Controlled Blood Circulation
High In Energy Levels
Special Benefits to Diabetics & Weight loss Seekers. It will provide you all the necessary nutrition even when you are on your weight loss program and diets.
Use this in expensive recipe to wellness and share your experiences in the comment section below.
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