Urban Life and lifestyle has taken a heavy toll over many individuals, many have adopted superficial means to keep up with their outward looks and appearances. To support them, there has been many brands coming up with Cosmetic options in the name of natural extracts as well. The unasked question in the exaggerated branding world, has left the consumer to blindly follow what is shown to them untiringly.
Here are a few easy Natural ways and life hacks, one can add to their lifestyle with out disturbing normal daily routine. The idea is to balance and stabilize the basic 5 elements which directly affects or acts upon Human Body. Air, Water, Earth, Space, Fire are the building blocks of all material existence including human body. The Human body is the product of these 5 elements in different proportions. 72% water, 12% earth, 6% air, 4% fire and rest is Ether.
We can classify the inclusions as below.
1. Breathing Pattern (Air)
2. Water we consume (Water)
3. Earthy Elements around us (Earth)
4. Exposure to heat in correct proportion. (Fire)
5. Space (Ether)
1. Breathing pattern:

Breathing is directly related to the air in and out flow through our body. We will not get into talking about the quality of air we need to breathe cause that is some thing we all know, that is should be pollution free and so on.. lets take a deeper look in to the pattern of breathing that will lead us to enhance, enrich and empower our goals to a balanced healthy body.
The rate of breathing i.e. inhaling and exhaling is what matters in reality. It is Scientifically proven that a normal human being breathes almost 17000 to 30000 times a day, that too in resting times. Which is around 12 to 20 times a minute. At times of stress and anxiety the count goes drastically upwards. The human body is said to operate at its optimum levels when the breathing rate is maintained at maximum 3 to 4 times a minute. Here we can actually see how far we have drifted from what is
needed. So the best practice we can initiate would be to slow down our breathing rate and consciously go down wards in numbers. The body cells can absorb maximum oxygen and maintain good pressure when this pattern is practiced.
2. Water We Consume:
Need less to say about basic cleanliness and boiling of water before consuming. What we would look into here would be the basic nature of water. There has been immense researches and proofs over the fact that water carries memory. And it make a molecular structural change in the water, which makes very obvious affects on human body. 72% of Human Body contains water, so its very important to know the water we consume. Click Here to Know More on Water Memory

Microscopic crystal pictures were taken during many studies by Masaru Emoto, over how water reacts to the surroundings and collects the information and formulates different shapes. The findings were so amazing as you can see in the images below.

So the key take away here is, treat the water that you consume or use for cooking and all other activities. Play good soothing music, utter words like Love, Gratitude, Passion, Affection, Respect. This will in turn enhance the quality of the water that you consume and enrich the water quality in your body as well, leading to better skin, radiant look and stress free mind.
3. Earthy Elements around us :

Urban Life has put us far away from being connected to the ground in literal sense. We have developed a habit of protecting our feet with a rubber foot wear even while we are home. One of the most vital element for energies to pass through our bodies is to be in touch with the ground. We must make a habit to stay in touch with earth bear footed, it may be a small walk in the lawns or for that matter just staying off foot wear and help the energy flow through us. Apart from this it is also recommended to maintain a balance of these 5 elements in our homes.
4. Fire:

Fire element being just 4% of human body, cannot be neglected not to be maintained. The secret is to maintain a balance of all these elements consistently. Any imbalance in the fire element results in to problems like fever, skin diseases like inflammation, increased coldness or heat in body, excessive sweating, hyper acidity, slow digestion and absorption of nutrients, toxins in the body, diabetes etc.
Again Yoga and practicing few Mudras should be incorporated in daily life which will certainly and very easily help us maintain the 5 elements in our body.
5. Space (Ether)

Space (Ether) is the most subtle of all elements and is present in the hollow cavities of the body in the form of radio frequencies, light radiation, cosmic rays etc. Imbalance in the space element in human body normally results in to issues like thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, ear diseases, etc. Hence maintaining the space element in human body is vital. Yoga helps us to keep this in balance. Bhuta Shudhi is the process to take control of these elements.
Hope you liked to read about the basic need to maintain your body. The human body is an integral part of nature and it must be treated as per the nature's law, to maintain longevity and optimum health.
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